How Often Should You Post On Instagram For Maximum Engagement?

What is the ideal amount of posts that one should make on Instagram? Is it one post per week, or maybe 15 posts per day? The answer, like most things in life, depends on many variables. Instagram is a platform that is quite different from YouTube or Google in the sense that it values new content at a far higher degree than old content. When you upload on Instagram, your post will have a one-week Read more…

Instagram DM Engagement Groups Explained: How to Join and Create DM Groups

Instagram engagement groups also known as engagement pods or direct message (DM) groups are one of the most essential ingredients in the Instagram viral growth recipe. If you don’t have a lot of money to spend on shout-outs or power-likes these groups are a Godsend. An engagement group is a group consisting of several accounts that like and engage in each other’s post to outwit the algorithm. It’s the Instagram equivalent of “I scratch your Read more…

How the Instagram Algorithm Actually Works

The Instagram algorithm is often an elusive beast, one that is constantly changing its form. The good news is that it can be cracked. To understand how the Instagram algorithm works we must first understand the motives of the company itself. Instagram is owned by Facebook, and Facebook gets its lifeblood from selling advertisements. Facebook and Instagram are data collecting juggernauts first, and social networks second. It is in their best interest to ensure that Read more…

The Niche Strategy for Instagram Growth 2018

Instagram growth has become increasingly difficult, especially if you are using the wrong strategies. The first and most obvious mistake that newbies make is failing to choose an appropriate niche. What is a niche, and why the hell should you be in one in the first place? Let me explain, young grasshopper. A niche is a fancy word for a category, group, or maybe even gang. A niche is composed of people who share a Read more…

Does the Follow Unfollow Method Still Work in 2018?

Does the follow unfollow method still work? Follow unfollow has been an immensely popular strategy for growing an Instagram account for many years now. The method is a simple one where you find a big account within your chosen niche and follow all their followers. Upon seeing the notification pop up, these helpless victims would then click on your account and follow you back. You would, of course, unfollow these fools and begin the cycle Read more…